Yaara Yeshurun of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel conducted this experiment, she said that she found the first associations between an object and a smell had a distinct signiture in the brain. In her study the reserchers where presented a group of adults with a visual object, and later a set of pleasent and unpleasent oder while the brain were imaged by funtional magnetic resonance imaging. A week later the same adults where presented the same objects they used previously, the reserchers noticed that they remembered early associations clearly when they were unpleasant, the researchers even found that they could predict what a person would remember later based on the activity in their brains on day. Yeshurun said that its good to remember unpleasant memories as a risk management. These results could suggest ways to strengthen particular memories, more importantly, it may help us generate methods to better forget early and powerful memories.
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