The Bambuti are pygmy hunter-gatherers, They travel in groups and they are small in size ranging for 15 to 60 people, but overall the population is about 30,000-60,000 people. There 4 types of cultures that the Bambuti learn: the Efe, the Sua, the Mbuti, and the Aka. They live in the forest of Ituri, its 70,000 square kilometers of forest, there is large amount of rainfall nearly about 50 to 60 inches of rain. There Religion has do with the forest they consider that the trees are there greatest protector they somtimes call there protector "mother" or "father". Colin Turnbull was a famous anthropologist, he first realized that distance affected perception because he went with Kenge, and he saw buffalo from a distance and he asked Turnbull want kind of insects are they, but then Kenge was socked when Turnbull told him that it was buffalo from a distance. Kenge knew that buffalo where not small.

The pygmy would also be socked the same way as Kenge did because since they live in a forest the trees block there view, and because of that they know less about reality than we do. Everything is learned by experience.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Turnbull

The pygmy would also be socked the same way as Kenge did because since they live in a forest the trees block there view, and because of that they know less about reality than we do. Everything is learned by experience.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Turnbull
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