The internal perception are thought that come from our inside that changes our views of reality for example, if you here an explotion you will think that it was a car crash, an airplane, or a movie. An external perception is what really is going on around us, it is what builds our internal perception. For example if you see a car crash from your house and you heard the noise, the next time you hear a crash you will asume it is car, not only that but our family, enviorment, public, and the TV can all change the way we view things. Sometimes we can get bad perceptions of things that happen around us.
Home-Its the most relaxing place.
Videogames-Keeps me entertained.
Travel-It gives me the feeling of a New World.
Bed-Ones im in bed I can't get off of it.
My Brother- He makes me laugh.
5 things that I dislike
School-I get bored very easily.
Books-My eyes feel irritated when I stare at it for to long.

English Class- To much literature.
Hot Days- I sweat when I don't want to sweat.
Traffic- I lose my patience.
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